I am horrible when it comes to making people food, however, I am great when it comes to creating doggie treats. My family and friends may complain when I mess up and burn the toast or make runny spaghetti sauce, but my dog never turns down any treat I cook, aren’t dogs wonderful?

Recipes for Pumpkin Dog Treats

I hate to see summer go, however, the fall season is just around the corner. When fall hits, I start thinking about things like pumpkins as well as Halloween and it’s skeletons, scary outfits, and zombies! And pumpkin makes me remember some of the tasty pumpkin filled dog treat recipes I’ve tried in the past.

Pure pumpkin that’s been pureed without any sugar is a great ingredient to add to dog treats. It is actually good for your dog! That’s because it has a lot of fiber, plus it’s low in fat and has things like beta carotene, as well as magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc. It also has vitamins like C and A. Fiber is great for a dog’s digestive system and it’s oftentimes suggested if your dog has any stomach problems or things like diarrhea.

Pumpkin works well in doggie treats. The following are ten pumpkin filled doggie treats you can make at home.

10. Peanut Buttery Pumpkin Doggie Treats

If you want a recipe that’s really simple, try this one! It only has 3 ingredients so it’s quite simple to make and most dogs love them. Go here to get the recipe.

9. Pumpkin and Apple Doggie Treats

Do you have a dog who loves both apples and pumpkin? Then try him or her with this yummy recipe. These treats are simple to create, as well as they smell wonderful. It’s a bit different than some doggies treats as it uses oats instead of flour. You can find the recipe here.

8. Homemade Pumpkin Doggie Treats

This version is likely the one a lot of dogs will find tasty because it also includes a glaze made with bacon along with the peanut butter. A lot of dogs go wild for this combo of flavors! Find the recipe here.

7. Pumpkin and Peanut Butter Doggie Treats / All Recipes

This example of a doggie treat you can make at home using pumpkin are simple to make, plus a lot of dogs love peanut butter so they are usually something dogs love. All you need is canned pumpkin, some eggs, peanut butter, and flour. The recipe can be found here.

6. Pumpkin and Carrot Bites

This version of a tasty treat for your dog is a favorite! It produces wonderful smelling treats that are bite-sized and great to use when you are doing some kind of dog training. All you need is pumpkin, whole wheat flour, and some shredded carrots and the recipe can be seen here.

5. Pumpkin Doggie Biscuits

If you want a doggie treat without peanut butter, try these biscuits. They are very simple to make and most dogs go nuts over them! Plus they are really a hit if you have a dog that likes crunchy treats. See the recipe here.

4. Banana and Pumpkin Doggie Treats

If your dog loves bananas, then these are the treats for you! They also create delicious smells in the kitchen. Plus it’s one of the recipes without peanut butter, but it does include some honey in it. Here’s the recipe.

3. Grain-Free Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Doggie Treats

If your dog has a sensitivity to grains, then try this recipe, as it’s grain-free. Plus it’s simple to create and when I made it my dog loved it! Find the recipe here.

2. Gluten-Free Pumpkin Doggie Biscuits

If you’d prefer a doggie treat that’s gluten free, here’s a recipe for another such pumpkin treat. It’s not hard to make either and your dog should love it. Find the recipe here.

1. Simple 2 Ingredient Pumpkin Doggie Treats

If you don’t like to back, this recipe is for pumpkin no-bake doggie biscuits. Plus there are only 2 ingredients and all you have to do is mix it up and put it in the freezer. So Simple! Find the recipe here.

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