Whereas most of us prefer to give too many treats to our cats and they sometimes feed them food each time that we are eating, there are a couple of human foods which tend to be toxic or alternatively possibly dangerous to cats and a result should not be an aspect of their diet.  Whereas it is not an exhaustible list, the following are some elements of the food that you must not give to the cat.

11.Garlic and Onions

Raw, powdered or cooked onions (which includes leeks and chides) in addition to garlic come as pretty toxic food elements to the cats, even when they are offered in small quantities. They tend to contain sulfoxides plus disulfides that tend to destroy the cells of the red blood as well as the ability to cause anemia. Garlic and onion powders are typically included in gravy, foods for babies plus several other human foods that have been processed, so you need to take special care to verify that the cat is not fed to these food elements in any of its forms.

10.Raisins and Grapes

Both raisins and grapes have several amounts of unidentified ingredients that tend to have some level of toxicity to these cats plus it can possibly lead to kidney failure.


You probably have a sweet tooth, however, your cay may not and this means that chocolate is not one of the food elements that should be fed to your cat. All chocolate types should be duly avoided by you, which include the dark, white, milk as well as cocoa powders. Naturally, chocolate has caffeine as well as the chemical element called theobromine that is pretty toxic to all cat. Even a small amount of chocolate is sufficient to lead to heart attacks in cats, which subsequently starts a series of responsive behaviors which includes potential death.

8. Fat Trimmings and Bones

Scraps from the table typically have bones and meat fat. Giving these food elements to the cat causes weight gain as well as obesity; however, it could also lead to pancreatitis. Bones which are obtained from fish, meat, or chicken should not be given to cats, as it could splinter and subsequently lead to an obstruction of the digestive system of the cat.

7. Salt

Excessive salt is typically known to influence the balance of the electrolyte in the cat, which could lead to a heartbeat that is irregular.

6.Bread Dough

Dough that have not yet been baked that was produced with the live yeast could possibly prove hazardous to cats if swallowed. An expanding dough ball that is located in the stomach of a cat or the cat’s intestines can possibly decrease the flow of blood and it could affect the breathing of the cat.  When the yeast is being fermented and alcohol is being produced, the cat also becomes exposed to the toxicity of the alcohol, that could lead to seizures that are life-threatening and ultimately death.


Irrespective of the fact that your cat possibly likes the irresistible smell and taste of tuna, it should ideally be given to the cat occasionally instead of regularly. Tuna has mercury that could cause mercury poisoning with the condition that there is a large amount of canned Tuna. Tuna which is packed full in oil could also cause the disease known as yellow fat (also called steatitic), a condition that is painful that is been caused by a diet which is high in fat.

4.Raw Fish

The raw fish has as a constituent a type of enzyme which is called thiaminase that damages the thiamine of the body (a type of B vitamin). A deficiency in Thiamine that is present in cats could possibly cause them not to have an appetite. Furthermore, it could lead to seizures and ultimately the death of the cat.

3.Raw Eggs

The raw egg has an enzyme that is called avidin that compromises the ability of the body to take in biotin (a type of vitamin B), and can possibly cause to problems of the coat and skin. The other risk to health from raw eggs typically, is the fact that they could possibly have E-coli as well as salmonella.

2.Dairy products and milk

Numerous mature cats have no sufficient quantities of the enzyme known as lactase, which practically means that they are not able to digest lactose properly. This could possibly cause diarrhea as well as gastrointestinal problems. Water should not ever be replaced by milk, because it is essential for the hydration of your cat.

1.Dog Food

Dogs and cats come with different requirements for their diets and food for dogs does not have a proper protein balance as well as fats which is needed by the cat in its food. Also, it is also of importance that the diet for a cat has taurine, which is amino acid. Unlike dogs, cats cannot produce this acid by themselves.

Always, it is vital not to forget that cats are intolerant of similar food substances we can tolerate and as well some food for humans are possibly hazardous to the health of these cats.  If you are doubtful of the food to give to your cat or alternatively your cat could have consumed human food which could possibly be toxic or dangerous to the cat, please you should immediately seek the help of the local vet in your area.

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