10. Giving cats milk

Once kittens get weaned, the majority of them get lactose intolerant. Though a few cats can drink milk occasionally, they could get diarrhea if they drink it too much. Milk shouldn’t replace water and if cats don’t get enough water they will get dehydrated.

9. Giving cats dog food

You may wonder why anyone would feed a cat some dog food, but it does happen. They may think that if they own both cats and dogs that it is a fine thing to do. However, it can bring on serious health problems for cats. Dog food has less protein and fat. Plus, it doesn’t have taurine, component cats require. It could cause serious kidney issues, and obesity as well.

8. Giving cats too Much Tuna

Tuna is fine for cats as a treat, but if they eat it all the time they will be malnourished.  It does not have enough Vitamin E, so your cat could end up with a problem known as steatitis or yellow fat disease. Tuna smells very strongly and a lot of cats end up getting addicted. Vets call these cats a tuna junkie. The issue gets worse when the cat won’t eat anything besides tuna. Plus, too much tuna can give the cat mercury poisoning, so be sure to limit the tuna your cat eats.

7. Giving Cats Uncooked Fish

Uncooked fish has thiaminase, an enzyme that kills the B vitamin called thiamine. If your pet gets deficient in thiamine, they will show symptoms of loss of appetite, seizures or they could even die.  Cooking fish kills that enzyme, but still, too much fish in a cat’s diet doesn’t give them all the needed minerals and vitamins. It’s not their usual diet, and unless people have given it to them, cats normally like meat better than fish. Plus, uncooked fish might have parasites in it.

6. Letting Cats Eat Scraps from the Table

Scraps from the table don’t offer your cats a balanced diet. Plus, they have too many spices and fats. If they eat over ten percent scraps then they can have diet deficiencies. Plus, they could develop behavior issues like stealing food or begging. Plus, if there are any bones, they could splinter and damage the cat’s throat and esophagus.

5.  Too many supplements

If you feed your cat a balanced and good diet, there is no need to add any supplements. Unless the vet told you to add them, doing so can poison your pet.  If you create your own homemade meals for the cats, be sure you follow a vet approved version and only add supplements that are appropriate.

4. Making your cat a vegetarian

Cats are complete carnivores. They have to get Vitamin A in the meat in their meals. If they don’t get to eat enough meat, they will develop horrendous deficiencies and could die. Cats can’t live a vegetarian life or they will end up dead.  You can’t compromise this fact! Cats MUST have meat in their diet.

3. Letting cats get overweight

Obesity has become an epidemic for people and pets alike. We are completely killing our pets by overfeeding them. We give them way too much food and they don’t get enough exercise. A lot of cats merely go from their bed to their food dish. Even so, the feeding directions on the back of pet food might not directly apply to your cat. Ask your vet how much they should eat and if they are eating the right cat food. Plus, obesity also can result from eating too much treats.

If you are worried about what your pet weighs, ask your vet. If they need to lose weight, it has to be done slowly. It can cause problems if done too fast. Plus cats don’t like having their food supply cut all at once. Plus, they also need to have more exercise as providing play sessions daily can help them not become obese.

2. Unsuitable Food for their Age

The labels on pet foods show info on feeding based on your cat’s age. For instance, food for kittens has extra protein as well as fat than food for adult cats. It is meant for cats up to one year old. There are foods for senior cats, as well as cats that are less active and there are also medical diets if your cat has a particular medical issue. Feed your cat the food appropriate to their age. If you are unsure, talk to your vet. If they eat a homemade diet or raw food, your vet can give you advice on what should be in it so they have a balanced and nutritious diet.

1. Giving your cat too much treats

Treats don’t replace a nutritious diet.  They are very palatable, however, there isn’t enough minerals and vitamins in them for a balanced nutritious diet every day.  If cats eat too many treats, they won’t want to eat their normal food. You can use treats to train your cat or modify their behavior but use them wisely. You can even break them into smaller bits so they last longer. If your cat is obese, you can use bits of normal kibble instead of treats to train them, then they won’t get too many calories a day.

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